Monday, October 16, 2017

Let's Make a Movie

We will hire the most talented actors and get that director who can coach fire from a snowflake. The script, I will write, because it's my story. Also, of course, it's the tale of a million million women, but most are dead, some are beyond words, and many just can't even. For some reason, I can, so I will. 
We won't need craft services because none of us will be able to stomach food after we cut. So that will save us a good bit. 

I don't know what the best boy does, but we will get one. There has to be one somewhere. After all, I found my husband, and no one thought that was possible. 

He will entertain the kid actors between takes. Kids like him and trust him. On second thought, maybe no kids in the movie. That was a tough thing to go through when I was little. Maybe CGI the kids. What's the difference between scale pay for kid actors and good computer work?

My husband can just run classes for sexual assault prevention, like he does for the military in his spare time. (Told you he was a keeper.) He works for free.

We can save on renting space. Authentically, anywhere will do. We can borrow any old workspace, church, school, a neighbor's house, ball field, bus, wherever we can get in free. Do you know a place? Nowhere would be wrong for the setting. Happens everywhere.

Not my house. I won't go that far. I have limits. I need one place in the world without any nightmares.

I suppose we can do a Go Fund Me. Even on a rock bottom budget, we need some cash. I can offer some kind of film credit to anyone who chips in. Whatever we have to do. 

No producers. That's non-negotiable.

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